
This research evaluates of the electrochemical behavior of steel bars of the AISI 316 and AISI 1018 embedded in sustainable concrete with partial replacement of CPC 30R by Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) and Silica Fume (SF). The electrochemical techniques used to evaluate the corrosion were half-cell potential or Ecorr -ASTM C-876-15- and the Linear Polarization Resistance Technique (LPR) - ASTM G59-. Ecorr and Icorr results indicate after more than 300 days of exposure to the marine environment (3.5% NaCl solution), a high resistance of AISI 316 steel, with Ecorr values lower than -200 mV indicating a 10% probability of corrosion, and a level of negligible corrosion, with values less than 0.1 µA/cm2 in the three mixtures, with sustainable concrete values slightly lower. The results indicate a resistance of more of almost 100 times greater than AISI 316 steel compared to the results obtained in AISI 1018 steel.


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