
Species diversity varies dramatically among regions and among localities within regions.This study is to investigate the biodiversity of animal kingdoms at four regions on the Jungchon Stream in Korea. Mammals accounted for nine taxa for four seasons within the studied areas. Invertebrates exhibited the greatest species diversity with 17 taxa identified, followed by birds (Aves) (15 taxa). The mean numbers of species were 40 taxa within the St. A, 40 taxa within the St. B, 41 taxa within the St. C, and 44 taxa within the St. D. Many individuals of fish and invertebrates were found in this area because the abundant food and water supply by junction of two rivers.The mean of Shannon-Weaver index (H´) of diversity for mammals was varied from 1.170 (St. D) to 2.002 (St. A).St. A was also considerable high H´ in birds andreptiles/amphibians. Berger-Parker’s index (BPI) for mammalswas varied from 0.201 (Station A) to 0.294 (Station C).For the community as a whole, the values of ß-diversity were the low (from 0.170 for St. D to 0.232 for St. C). Clustering of four stations, using the NJ algorithm, was performed based on the matrix of calculated distances. Four stations of the Jungchon Stream were well separated each other.


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