
Manufacturing organization experiences highly volatile market due to the technological updates, customer needs, environmental issues and competitor’s product. The ultimate objective of the manufacturing industries today is to provide the market with products of the highest quality, at reasonable prices, at the optimal time. Just-in-time (JIT) has been widely implemented in manufacturing industries as a survival strategy against global market competition as it offers various benefits, such as greater throughput, higher productivity and better quality. The aim of the paper is to discuss few strategic issues and some important rules for getting the system off the ground. The procedure for planning and implementation along with global status and pay off has been discussed critically. A designed questionnaire for self test has also been given along with evaluation criteria to identify the weakness and strength of the company for successful implementation of JIT
manufacturing strategy. It also gives a methodology for computation and improvement of performance index using the principle of continuous improvement.
This paper focuses on how to enhance the productivity/ performance index while applying
systematically, scientifically basic principles of JIT approaches. The design guidelines are applied to a small scale industry as a case example.
The ideas presented in the paper will be useful for those who want to implement JIT manufacturing in their organizations.


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