
In this paper we investigate teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of block and text programming environments in the class. The survey targets teachers of informatics in primary and secondary schools in Greece and attempts to answer research questions regarding the suggested duration of block-based programming practice and the difficulty of students’ transition from block-based to text-based programming. In contrast to the majority of research works that consider students’ opinions, in this paper we investigate the perceptions of their teachers and take advantage of their experience on the taught subject. Although the curriculum mandated by the Ministry of Education provides no specific directive, teachers agreed that block-based environments are appropriate introductory tools to programming. One of the primary tasks of this work was to determine the recommended age for students to move from block-based to text-based programming. The analysis of the collected data clearly indicated a specific age for this transition: teachers believe that students in primary school and the lower secondary school (ICSED levels 1 and 2 respectively) should use a block-based programming environment and should be introduced to text-based programming during the upper secondary school (ICSED level 3), after the age of 14. The findings of this study can be useful when designing new Informatics curricula for the secondary education, all-over the world.


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