• Ejiroghene Kelly Orhorhoro 


This research work is aim at theperformance evaluation of biomass briquette from elephant and spear grass in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The grasses were dried, pulverizedand compressed by the briquetting machine to produce the briquettes. The performance evaluation shown that elephant and spear grass briquettes had a good compressive strength between 2.0N/mm2 and 1.2N/mm2; ash content (5.18% and 6.13%) and calorific values (15013.9KJ/Kg and 15990.0KJ/Kg) respectively. The briquettes produced when burnt have low ash content. Therefore, if biomass briquetting is fully harnessed, it will curb the energy crises in Nigeria and the same time creates employment opportunities from briquette sales.


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