
Weed struggle has an important place in agricultural production. The widespread use of chemicals in this struggle is due to its easy applicability, its short-term results, and its economic efficiency. However, the negative effects of these chemicals on the environment and human health have been recognized, and the interest in non-chemical struggle methods has also increased. One of the non-chemical methods of struggle is using electric energy. In this work, which is carried out by passing the electric current through the plant, it is aimed that ended the vital activity of weed (cress), as a result of electric current flowing through it. The experimental setup prepared for use in operation consists of a voltage regulator with 1-300 V steps and copper conductors which will contact the plants. In the experiments, weed seeds germinated under suitable conditions were placed on the board to complete the electric circuit and the circuit was completed by passing current through the plants that the copper conductor tips contacted. As a result of the experiments, plants were observed to lose their vitality about 70% when 100 volts of electricity was applied over the body for 300, 420 and 540 seconds. On the other hand, when electric energy was applied as 200 volts and 300 volts for 300, 420, and 540 seconds, respectively, the vital activity of the plants close to 100% was ended.


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