
Technical education mainly focuses on practical training and skills-based learning and pays less attention to the theoretical background of its graduates. The officially instituted curriculum of Greek Vocational High Schools includes a wide range of Specialties among which is the Sector of Maritime Professions. In our proposal, we aim to introduce a new approach to Vocational Education and Training, specifically in the Maritime Professions Sector, by implementing gamification combined with museum education practices and new technologies to create a game about ancient seamanship. The game is an educational structure that includes a virtual space, created in Artsteps, a platform for creating virtual reality exhibitions, and a quiz that by presenting hypothetical scenarios will make students compare the use and function of ancient and modern marine tools thus learning more about maritime history while enjoying themselves. The main goal of our proposal is the development of a strong overall learning experience through gaming that will also broaden students’ knowledge of the history of their future profession and deepen their understanding of its significance and evolution throughout the years. This game was played and evaluated positively during the 2021–2022 school year by 120 Vocational High School students.


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