
Waste management faces numerous difficulties because of its enormous, quickly developing populace in a densely populated nation in the developing nations. The primary target of the research work is dry and wet waste separation and management process. A portion of the trash individuals produce is biodegradable, some are recyclable, and some are not one or the other. Waste segregation includes isolating wastes as per how it's dealt with or handled. Isolation of waste through at unloading locales burns-through additional time and labor. This work suggests a Spontaneous Waste Segregator (SWS) which is a modest, simple to utilize answer for an isolation framework at family units. The AWS utilizes a dampness sensor to distinguish wet and dry waste and separate them with ultrasound sensors for ceaseless checking and GSM based waste level notice to authority. This system can be used in industries for the employees to use daily. It will be used for wet food junks or even as a normal daily bin. The automatic wet and dry waste and separating system has been developed using microcontroller. As the integrated circuits and microcontroller become more and more accessible and the technology is a fact of today with the improved availability of sensor devices.


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